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Respect for our environment


We care about our planet and the effect that both we, and our global suppliers, have on the environment. So we’re reducing our emissions, our water use and our waste.
Climate change and increasing resource scarcity are complex, global challenges which will affect every part of our business. To grow our business sustainably we must use our planet’s resources wisely and do our bit to tackle climate change. We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business, and helping our customers live more sustainably too. We’re cutting carbon in our operations and using new technologies to maximise energy efficiency. We’re also working hard keep food waste at a minimum across our value chain, by increasing supply chain efficiency, growing our network of charity food donation partners and helping our customers reduce food waste in their own homes.

We’re contributing to the UN Global Goals:

  • 6, Clean Water And Santation
  • 7, Affordable And Clean Energy
  • 9, Industry Innovation And Infrastructure
  • 12, Responsible Consumption And Production
  • 13, Climate Action
  • 17, Partnerships For The Goals

Statement from John Rogers

“It’s very important that we take responsibility for how we manage the impact that we have on the environment. Not just on a national level, but also on a global basis. We have thousands of suppliers around the globe and we care about the effects that those suppliers have on their local environments as well as our own.”

John Rogers
CEO of Sainsbury’s Argos and Chair of the Respect for our environment value

John Rogers discusses our respect for our environment

Key achievements


waste to landfill since 2013


tonnes of CO2e saved through our colleague behavioural change project ‘Greenest Grocer’


litres less water used today than in 2005/6

Our commitments

We’ll reduce waste and put it to positive use in our business
We’ll help customers reduce their waste and put it to positive use
We’ll reduce our operational carbon emmissions by 30% absolute and 65% relative (to 2005)
Through robust water stewardship we’ll ensure that our business manages all areas of water vulnerability