Better for the planet

Better for the planet

Better for the planet

In the face of the climate and nature crises we need more leadership and collaboration than ever before. We are committed to playing our role in mobilising action across our value chain to protect and restore our planet. 

Our core pillars to tackle climate change

We worked with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and Carbon Trust on targets for reduction and will be publicly reporting on progress twice a year

For Scope 1 and 2, these, include the reduction of GHG emissions from our own operations by 2035 in a bid to limit global warming to 1.5°C, aligning the business with the goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C, the highest ambition of the Paris Agreement.

For Scope 3, our target is the reduction of absolute GHG emissions by 50.4% by 2030, to align to a 1.5°C scenario.

We're also working with suppliers to set their own ambitious Net Zero commitments.

Net Zero in our own operations by 2035


Read more on our Carbon page

As the first retailer to be certified with the Carbon Trust Water Standard, we use 1 billion litres less water annually than in 2005.

We are reviewing every aspect of water use in our business, including transitioning to self-supply. We are measuring and lowering the amount of water used in bathrooms and looking to to recycle water from areas such as ice on fish counters and carwashes.

Water neutral by 2040

Read more on our Water page


We have a five point approach to enable us to meet our reduction commitment, based on Remove, Reduce, Replace, Recycle & Reuse initiatives across all categories.    

  1.  We will remove completely where we can

  2. Reduce the weight of packaging  

  3. Replace with an alternative material without causing further detrimental environmental impact  

  4. Make it easier for our customers to recycle  

  5. Give customers options to reuse packaging. 

Reduce plastic packaging by 50% by 2025

Read more on our Plastics page


We provide facilities to help customers recycle textiles in 340 stores in collaboration with Oxfam.

We’re making it easier for customers and colleagues to recycle

Read more on our Recycling page


We have been working hard to meet our goal to halve food waste by 2030 as part of our commitment to Courtauld and Champions 12.3.  

We have sent no food to landfill since 2013 and aim to prevent food waste in the first instance before redistributing as much unsold product as possible for human consumption, or animal feed as a secondary route. 

Reduce food waste by 50% by 2030

Read more on our Food waste page


We have planted 5.1 million native trees with The Woodland Trust since our partnership began in 2004.

100% of palm oil sourced for our own brand products is sustainably sourced, and by 2025, we will ensure that 100% of high-risk origin soy meal is zero deforestation and certified as sustainable.

We aim to plant a further 1.5 million native trees by 2025

Read more on our Nature page


Key achievements

£5 million

commitment to the Sainsbury’s Innovation Investments programme

'A' rating

received on our CDP climate change and water disclosures

Achieved 100%

LED lighting across our entire estate


of our farmed fish and seafood comes from farms which are independently certified to a recognised best practice standard

Our stories