We want farm animals to have better lives – which is why we’re the UK’s biggest seller of RSPCA Assured products.
At Sainsbury’s, we care about ethical food as much as our customers do. And we know customers rely on food labelling to check whether animals have had good-quality lives. That’s why we’re proud to be the UK’s biggest seller of RSPCA Assured products.
When customers see the RSPCA Assured logo, they know the eggs, meat or fish they’re buying comes from farms where animals have had a better life.
Our RSPCA Assured chicken, for example, comes from farms that provide more space, so hens can exercise freely. There’s a richer environment, so chickens can engage in natural behaviours. And there are extra health and diet checks, too.
of our own-brand eggs, farmed trout and salmon is RSPCA Assured
Better welfare, higher sales
We first started our partnership with RSPCA Assured back in 2004, when we began selling RSPCA Assured chicken products. Since then we have expanded our range to include RSPCA Assured salmon (2008), pork (2008), eggs (2009), turkey (2010), and trout (2014) products. Sainsbury’s continues to sell more RSPCA Assured labelled products than any other supermarket, a title held since 2011, with 29% of RSPCA Assured products being sold through Sainsbury’s (Source: 2019 RSPCA Assured Review).
Clive Brazier, Chief Executive, RSPCA Assured says: “When it comes to food, animal welfare is now the UK’s biggest concern, and when it comes to animal welfare no one is more well recognised and trusted than the RSPCA. And as the UK’s largest retailer of RSPCA Assured products Sainsbury’s commitment to the ethical label is making it easier than ever for shoppers to recognise products from animals that had a better life.”
of our Taste the Difference pork, chicken and turkey is RSPCA Assured